Wednesday, June 8, 2011

BEAR AT WORK: Bekerja Dalam Islam

First of all..I would like to say I'm sorry for all readers who had been longing for more informative. 'ilmiah' and educational posts. Lately I've been busy and after coming back from work, I kinda lost the 'appetite' to switch on the lappy.. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.. 

And I'm soo sorry that I dont have much time to actually make a good post because it ain't easy to put up a nice educational especially Islamic entry..because you dont just say things..You need to do research and study..You need proof to support your contentions.. 

And...Im sorry to tell you that for the time being I'm just gonna spend time making quick posts, not-so-informative yet hopefully fun post to share with you. I will try my best to not let my readers bored with this blog and not to make empty post which you might not learn anything from reading it..

So yeah..What's with a "Bear At Work"?
Abu is a yellow bear I bought at RM2 Shop when I lived in Terengganu. I regret for not buying other colours because it is CHEAP! Where else can you get a cute bear for RM2?

So I brought Abu to that I can snap its pictures whenever I feel like it :) and to accompany me at work of course. People at my place weren't always there..It was great to have him there. :)

Why work Ratu??. Its a 4 months break! Chill lah..

Well, I must say that Its a waste of time if don't go out and do something and earn money.. Kalau duk rumah rugi..Itu Ratu lah, bangun nak lambat je, makan nak banyak,tidor nak lama je. Hasil? Gemok. Debab. Malas.

"Dialah zat yang menjadikan bumi ini mudah buat kamu. Oleh kerana itu berjalanlah di permukaannya dan makanlah dari rezekinya. (Al-Mulk :15)

Masa kalau ada banyak, tak dimanfaatkan rugi. Allah menyuruh kita berjalan, menegenal tempat yang kita duduki, perolehi hasil dan merasa nikmat daripadanya. Dan berjalan tu Ratu yakin bukanlah mesti berjalan macam melancong. Kalau tak mampu maknanya pergi lah ke mana sahaja, usahakan sesuatu dan untungnya (rezeki) ambil lah buat diri sendiri. Tapi ingat, bila dapat rezeki atau benda baik, kita dahulukan orang lain. Belanaj family makan ke, belikan hadiah untuk adik-adik ke, meringankan tangan untuk menderma ke..Pelaburan akhirat jugak tu.

"Dan bahawa sesungguhnya tidak ada balasan bagi seseorang itu melainkan balasan apa yang diusahakan". (al-Najm: 39)

Yup..working is one way of getting what you want. When you earn it, then you deserve it. Well. secara material nya memang lah. I work so I can buy a new pair of shoes. I can buy new clothes. I can go for movies and have fun.

But, what about looking at it in a non-material aspects. For instance, I work so I can save money so I wont have to ask from my parents when I need to buy something. So that I won't burden them. I work to help the unfortunate. I work so that I don;t waste time during semester break and earn money to use for the next semester. I work to gain experience.

Jarang orang melihat dari sudut tu. Ada pun mungkin sikit tetapi masih lebih menjurus kepada material. Memang aku kerja tak nak menyusahkan mak bapak aku, sebab aku nak guna duit sendiri beli Ipad. heh.

Apa pun,yang penting bekerja tu adalah amal ibadah juga. Membuat suatu pekerjaan adalah dituntut dalam agama kita. Hidup mesti seimbang duniawi dan ukhrawi. Memang lah bagus untuk sentiasa beribadat, bersujud, solat tapi hubungan sesama manusia, keluarga.?Macam mana nak bagi makan anak bini kalau tak bekerja? Mengemis? HARAM...Haram kalau kita masih berkemampuan tetapi masih pergi mengemis.

"Sedekah tidak halal buat orang kaya dan orang yang masih mempunyai kekuatan yang sempurna" (Hadis Riwayat Tarmizi)

So..Selamat Bekerja everyone! Tak diluar pun di rumah. Janji masa tu tak dirugikan dan diisi dengan perkara yang bermanfaat..oke? Setakat ni sahaja post Ratu kali ni. InsyaAllah boleh dihuraikan lagi dalam entry akan datang.

Bye! :)


Ayie Abas said...


jokergurl said...

ziarah dari bloglist jokergurl......
jom try up traffic dengan cara terbaru....hehehehee


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