Hello sincere followers, selfish followers, follower-to-be and readers.
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Followers are people INTERESTED in your blog |
I want a real followers. and when I said real, I mean REAL FOLLOWERS. Yep, those who are INTERESTED in my blog for real, what I wrote,my style, or even me. Senang cerita, followers yang ikhlas. Not those who's taking advantages of their own interest. Just because you are too desperate in increasing your followers, that doesn't mean that you can simply ask people to follow you back in repay of you following them. You know what I mean?
Well, if you don't, I am glad too explain it further to you.
Im sick of people leaving messages or comment saying :
"Hye, I follow you, follow me back!" :) *Innocent smile*What the fuuu is that man??? An ORDER?? You're telling me to follow you in repay of you following me? What if I'm not interested in your blog? What if your blog is some kind of perverted blog who only talk about XXX and dirty stuff? What if your blog is just a piece of SHIT?? Useless shit. Tahi kambing pun boleh buat baja taw. Tapi your blog, is useless shit..What good I have following your blog? NONE!
So dream on, I'm not following you man..I'm sorry, but I'm just not that interested. If you want a REAL FOLLOWERS like I do, then I'm sorry for telling you this, you're not getting it from me..
Muke berlagak gila..Oh my. HAHA Drama "Queen"
Oh yeah, I don't follow most of my followers' blog. Lagi pun berapa ketul lah sangat kan followers yang ada kan..Maklumlah, blogger tak feymes.hee.. :) Tak tahu lah are they expecting me to follow them back or not. Diaorang betul-betul ikhlas ke tak. But dear followers, kalau sebab you guys baca ni, and you hated me because I don't follow you back, Im sorry and I'm pleased to tell you that you are free to unfollow me. Kalau tak ikhlas follow, lepas tu tak pernah datang baca entri pun, buat apa. Menyemak je kat news feed tu kan?
But don't get me wrong, saya tak maksudkan blog korang sume tu useless. Mostly pun followers Ratu blog dorang okay je. But untuk blog kali ni, Ratu memang betul-betul limitkan 'Blog's Im following' kepada blog yang Ratu betul-betul baca. Yang Ratu betul-betul interested Tapi tu tak bermaksud yang Ratu tak pernah singgah blog followers Ratu walaupun Ratu tak pernah tinggal komen or shout.Ratu memang pemalas. Mianey..
Sorry la, but Im not that kind of blogger yang kejar followers dan trafik. Saya cuma nak orang yang betul-betul minat dengan penulisan saya.
p/s:Phewww..entry paling emo
All pictures are taken from Tumblr.
tau xpe.. nk suruh follow orang pulak... tak malu eh?
well saya folow blog awak. Tau kan sebab apa...
XOXO, Chempaka Sari.
terbaik.. keep blogging..
film review KaraK
sebab ape? hehe..silakan lah.. sebenarnya x kesah pun ikhlas ke x..follow je kalau nak..saya suke je.. :)
syukry: :) tq sir! u too!
saya takde chatbox..tak reti nak buat. sori ye.
hye ratu. wink2!
haha.klau aku aku hya follow blog orang yg aku kenal je,
or blog yang mmg like best gile babeng blog dia itu sahaja.
mmg pantang pun main follow2 balik ni. =)
@chempaka: belajar la..penting tu :)
fana: same lah..yg aku kenal, kawan2 xpelah..dgn best yg best mcm mr k..weee~ :)
aku pon nyampah org gini, tp aku sokong ko! jom tgk pendapat blogger laen psl folow menfoolow niw
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